Perfect Data serves as a configurable rules engine software, enabling you to set up and schedule tasks for the identification, monitoring, and alerting of data quality issues.
The first step is to create data quality rules. A rule is a query designed to identify bad data in your system. Queries can be simple or complex. We support a number of different database types, and are always working on adding more.
Once a rule is created you can execute a scan to identify the bad data identified from that rule.
Next you can schedule your data quality rules to scan on a reoccuring basis.
For example you may want to scan all your rules every night in preparation for the next day. Or if it is a system critical rule you may choose to run it every 15 minutes.
After you have configured and scheduled rules you can subscribe to different alerts that fire depending on the outcome of the scan of the rule.
For example you may send a list of identified errors to the team that can correct the problems. Or you may simply want to keep an executive aware of the total outstanding errors that exist.
With a strong commitment and the tools to identify, monitor, and alert on bad data you can ensure your organization has perfect data quality.